Swedish Exhibition 3 – Minimalism

Minimalism began as a direction in art, and made an impression in other areas as well. With the slogan “Less is more”, it found its way into our homes, our wardrobes and even our eating habits. The idea is that few, stripped down things (furniture, clothing, food items) of excellent quality are enough.

Scandinavian minimalism has become something of a housekeeping concept. A few items of furniture, preferably in light woods, limited decorations and art on the walls. Flat surfaces, clean lines, white walls and lots of space.

Ellen Key was an early pioneer.  The uncluttered home should be a place for healthy souls in healthy bodies.

Maybe Swedens affection for minimalism could be because for lengthy periods in history, the country has been quite poor. It could also be because of the strict protestant religion. Compare the interior of Swedish church  with the interior of church from a country from further south.

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