Swedish Exhibition 2 – Pot plants
Keeping pot plants in your house is not only decorative. Many plants can purify the air, which is beneficial for the brain and the sense of wellbeing. And plats are good for us – a recent study showed that plats in the classroom helps pupils perform better.
One popular, purifying plant in Sweden is called Doktor Westerlunds hälsoblomma – Doctor Westerlund’s health plant. The common name is Rosengeranium, Pelargonium graveolens. It purifies the air, and some are strongly rose-scented. Tradition says that cuttings shall be stolen to thrive. So, if you come across one – pinch a cutting.
Keeping indoor plants has been in fashion for a long time in Europe. In the 17th century, the upper class in many European countries wanted exotic plants, like lemon or orange trees. Later on, more everyday plants became fashionable.
Is it okay to steal a cutting?
Study about plants in the classroom:
Plants that purify the air: