Swedish Exhibition-1 : The Recycling System


In Sweden and many other countries there is a deposit-refund system for bottles and cans. The extra .10 euros you pay, you get back in the shop.

This has been coined Sweden’s smallest popular movement, this little movement when you insert the can/bottle etc into the machine.


In 1885, deposit on glass bottles was introduced – the first in the world. In 1972, environmental activists performed a nationwide campaign against the use of disposable packaging, and sent 160 000 cans (found in nature) by mail to various authorities. In 1984, before the recycling of aluminium cans began.

This is Spain. To a Swede, this is a fortune discarded!

Most European countries have their recycling systems in place. UK will follow in 2027, and hopefully will Belgium, France, Bulgaria and Spain be there soon. If not, maybe a remake of the mailing-cans-campaign could be a tip?

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